Constipation in Summer: Constipation occurs due to 5 reasons in summer, what to do to avoid it, what not to do? know


Constipation in Summer: Constipation occurs due to 5 reasons in summer, what to do to avoid it, what not to do?  know

Constipation in Summer: Constipation is a problem that everyone has to face sometimes. If constipation persists for a long time, it can give rise to many major diseases in the body. People often suffer from constipation during summer. There can be common reasons behind this ranging from body being dehydrated to not eating right and not exercising.

If you too are facing the problem of constipation in summer, then first try to remove the reason behind it and then make necessary changes in your lifestyle.

Reasons for constipation in summer

insufficiency of water: Due to excessive sweating in summer, the body loses water. Due to lack of water the stool becomes dry and constipation occurs.

Less intake of fiber rich food: In summer, people lose appetite and consume less fiber-rich foods such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Fiber helps ease bowel movements.

lack of exercise: In summer, people exercise less, which slows down digestion and leads to constipation.

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Medication: Consumption of certain medicines: Constipation can also occur as a side effect of some medicines.

Pregnancy: Constipation may occur due to hormonal changes in women during pregnancy.

Health condition: Some health conditions such as diabetes, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and hypothyroidism can also cause constipation.

Ways to avoid constipation in summer

  • Drink adequate amount of water: At least 3-4 liters of water should be drunk daily in summer.
  • Eat fiber-rich foods: Eat fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
  • Exercise regularly: Exercise for at least 30 minutes every day.
  • Ask the doctor about side effects of medications: If you are taking a medication and it is causing constipation, talk to the doctor.
  • Consult a doctor during pregnancy: Consult a doctor to avoid constipation during pregnancy.

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Home remedies to get relief from constipation

  • Drink a glass of lukewarm water mixed with lemon juice in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • Mix one spoon of flaxseed powder in a glass of milk and drink it before sleeping at night.
  • Drink fruit and vegetable juices.
  • Eat bread made from whole grains.
  • Consume curd and buttermilk.
  • Exercise regularly.

(Disclaimer: The information and information given in this article is based on general beliefs. does not confirm these. Contact the concerned expert before implementing them.)

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