Explainer: Heat is proving fatal, has India come under the grip of wet-bulb temperature?

news2news Explainer: Heat is proving fatal, has India come under the grip of wet-bulb temperature?

Wet-bulb temperature.

Wet-bulb temperature. Explainer: In the country, not only in the plain states, but also in the Himalayan regions, the outbreak of heat is visible. In the surrounding states including the capital Delhi, the mercury has also crossed 40 degrees. Along with the scorching heat, people are also facing heat stroke. In such a situation, people are forced to hide in their homes. If you come out of the house under compulsion, then after some time you can get in the grip of heat stroke. This can even lead to death. One such case came to light from Mumbai, where 11 people attending a felicitation function died due to heat wave. This phenomenon is indicative of the wet-bulb threshold. Because of this, it will be very difficult to control the future situations. Come, let us know in Explainer what is wet-bulb temperature and what is the situation regarding this in India.

wet-bulb temperature

Wet-bulb temperature is the limit of heat and humidity beyond which humans cannot tolerate high temperature. The highest wet-bulb for the human body is considered to be 35 °C. When the temperature goes above this, there is a problem in the evaporation of sweat, the body temperature starts increasing. This can lead to hyperthermia. It is a condition in which the body produces or absorbs more heat than it releases. This situation can prove to be more dangerous for laborers, farmers or those who spend more time in the sun for some reason.

In the year 2022, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) had said in one of its reports that the temperature of all major rivers in India will increase, as well as their temperature will go well above the wet-bulb temperature marker. This will also affect the animals living in the river. Scientists are also apprehensive about rising air temperature. If the temperature goes beyond the wet-bulb, then in such a situation it is very dangerous for humans.

Heat Action Plan (HAP)

A HAP usually consists of a blueprint designed to reduce the effects of heat waves that are economically harmful, heat waves, and dangerous to human life. Under HAP, a solution is found for every problem, so that people do not have to face more problems due to rising temperature. In 2013, Ahmedabad became the first city in South Asia and India to have a heat action plan.

threat to people’s jobs

Exceeding the wet-bulb temperature of heat will affect not only human health but also their jobs. A few months ago, a report said that due to rising heat, there would be a shortage of jobs in the country. Experts believe that the rising heat will have a direct impact on people’s jobs as well. For this reason, by the year 2030, crores of people may lose their jobs.

Scorching heat after continuous weather change

Let us tell you that after 1901, this year’s February was the hottest. This situation was created after 122 years. However, after this there was a change in the weather, after which people got relief. Now from the beginning of May the heat has taken a severe form. This situation is very worrying for the people. In fact, the bad effect of wet bulb temperature was also seen in northern Mali. Actually, there was a series of rains in northern Mali from July to September, while the maximum temperature during this period reached 50 degrees. Due to this people had to face wet bulb temperature and many people lost their lives. Destructive effects were seen on humans as well as animals. According to a report, the people living here should now migrate from here as it is impossible to survive in such conditions.

Today’s temperature in major cities of India

  • Delhi 42°C
  • Mumbai 34°C
  • Chennai 39°C
  • Ahmedabad 43°C
  • Lucknow 41°C
  • Dehradun 36°C
  • Raipur 41°C
  • Bhopal 42°C

The India Meteorological Department (IMD) had told in March itself that there would be more heat this year, the effect of which has started showing. People are troubled by the scorching sun and heat. But, this heat is not going to stop here, the temperature is expected to increase further. In such a situation, people have been advised that all measures should be taken to avoid the heat. Especially from 12 noon to 4 pm, one should not come in contact with direct sunlight.

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