Vomiting During Traveling: If dizziness comes in the train, then do these measures


Vomiting During Traveling: If dizziness comes in the train, then do these measures

Do these remedies if you get dizzy in the train.

Do these remedies if you get dizzy in the train.

How To Get Rid Of Motion Sickness: There are many people who have the problem of dizziness and vomiting while traveling. Let us tell you that this problem is called Motion Sickness. This happens when you travel by car, bus, train, airplane and ship. You must have often seen that sickness bag is kept in front of the seat in AC bus and airplane that if you have vomiting, you can use this sickness bag. Today we will tell you why this happens and how it can be avoided.

Do these measures to avoid motion sickness

keep the eyes in horizontal position

If you have the problem of Motion Sickness, then keep your eyes in horizontal position, it will be comfortable for you. By doing this your mind control remains. If you have to sleep on the train, close your eyes and sleep.

avoiding going to the doctor

If you are having the problem of Motion Sickness again and again, then you should not refrain from going to the doctor. If you do not go to the doctor, then it is possible that you may have some serious disease, due to which you are having this problem. The problem can be detected by getting the test done at the right time and you will be saved from becoming a victim of any major disease. Often this Motion Sickness happens to you due to stomach problem. You must take the medicines prescribed by the doctor.

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do not sit in the direction of the vehicle

In case of motion sickness, you should not sit in the direction of the vehicle. If you are traveling by train, then sleep with your head in the direction in which the train is going. Due to sitting in the opposite direction, you may have problems like dizziness, vomiting, nervousness and nervousness etc.

mind control

According to media reports, the problem of motion sickness occurs when the movement of your eyes is opposite to the movement of your inner ear sense. If you are traveling in a super fast train, then try to control your mind in the same speed.

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