These cold drinks are not a relief in summer, but are causing cancer, see list


These cold drinks are not a relief in summer, but are causing cancer, see list

Consumption of these drinks increases the risk of cancer.

Consumption of these drinks increases the risk of cancer.

These Drinks Can Cause Cancer: As we all know, cancer is of many types. It can grow in any part of the body. The major reason behind the occurrence of this serious disease is our spoiled diet. People have started consuming chemical-rich things, tobacco, alcohol, packed and processed food etc. more. Because of these things, we start getting sick a lot. If you want to prevent this disease, then we will tell you about 5 such dangerous drinks that bring relief in the summer season, which directly cause not one, but ten types of cancer.

Know the causes of cancer

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the causes of cancer are tobacco, high body mass index ie obesity, alcohol consumption, lack of consumption of fruits and vegetables and lack of physical activity. Let us know about such drinks, which cause cancer.

alcohol abuse

Consumption of alcohol is a major reason behind serious diseases like cancer. The risk of cancer in the neck, liver, breast and colon increases manifold in those who drink a lot of alcohol on a daily basis. Consumption of alcohol is generally prohibited. However, if a woman drinks more than one drink a day and men drink more than two drinks, then the chances of cancer increase significantly.

bottled water

Bottled water easily available in the markets is the cause of cancer. Please tell that bisphenol-A or BPA is found in this bottle, which is responsible for the growth of cancer. BPA acts as a hormone disruptor, which in turn causes cancer. BPA exposure increases the risk of breast cancer, prostate cancer and metabolic disorders.


Excessive consumption of coffee also increases the risk of cancer. According to many research, unfiltered causes a lot of cancer. In such a situation, if you want to drink coffee, then you can drink coffee without cream, sugar and flavor, because sugar and cream contain fat. This can increase obesity and can also increase blood sugar.

energy drinks

We all know that energy drinks are high in caffeine and sugar. It can become the cause of many types of cancer. This can also lead to obesity or diabetes.


According to the report of Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, dark colored soda contains 4-Methylimidazole, which causes cancer.

Also Read:Cancer Symptoms: If you see these symptoms, then be alert

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