Seasonal Allergy: As the weather changes, the fear of seasonal allergy starts troubling you, so include these foods in your diet.


Seasonal Allergy: As the weather changes, the fear of seasonal allergy starts troubling you, so include these foods in your diet.

Eat these things to avoid seasonal allergies.

Eat these things to avoid seasonal allergies.

Seasonal Allergy:�If you suddenly start sneezing or your eyes are watering, then you are a victim of seasonal allergies. According to health experts, seasonal allergy is a special type of allergy, which occurs especially in a particular season. Seasonal allergies occur when your immune system reacts to a specific substance. Although this happens because of pollen, but sometimes there are many reasons behind it.

You can identify it with the help of the symptoms of seasonal allergy. These symptoms are runny nose, watery eyes, nasal congestion, itching in the eyes, sneezing, itching in the body and swelling in the areas around the mouth, etc. If these symptoms appear, consult a doctor immediately. Let us know which food items provide relief from seasonal allergies.


Ginger is beneficial for health because it has anti-inflammatory properties, which helps in preventing seasonal allergy symptoms. By consuming ginger, allergies can be reduced to a great extent. Apart from this, you can also make ginger tea and drink it to recover quickly from allergies.


Garlic has anti-inflammatory properties, which helps in quick recovery from allergies. Apart from this, such elements are found in garlic, which do not allow the chemical responsible for allergies i.e. histamine to increase in the body.


Everyone would know how beneficial honey is for the skin. But do you know that honey is also beneficial for health. It helps in providing relief from allergies. This can especially reduce allergies caused by pollen. Therefore include honey in your diet. Doing this will be beneficial for you.

Citrus Fruits

To avoid seasonal allergies, Vitamin C is found in abundance in fruits like lemon, kiwi and orange. It helps in strengthening the immune system and helps in providing relief from skin allergies.

Also read:-Winter Diseases: The risk of these diseases increases in winter, adopt these methods to prevent them.

Disclaimer: This news is based on general information. Before implementing these methods and suggestions, definitely consult the concerned expert.

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