If you see these signs in children, then get Autism checked, do not ignore such symptoms at all.


If you see these signs in children, then get Autism checked, do not ignore such symptoms at all.

Get yourself tested for autism if you see these signs.

Get yourself tested for autism if you see these signs.

Know What Is Autism: In today’s time, the problem of autism is seen in children. This is a mental illness, due to this disease, the development of the brain does not happen completely. Children suffering from this disease forget the real world and create a separate world of their own. That’s why some people start considering them as retarded, but it doesn’t happen. Children with autism are not retarded, it is a fact that they feel hesitant to mix in the society.

What are the symptoms of autism

Autistic child is mentally weak. Children with autism can also have epilepsy, in many cases children also have trouble speaking and hearing. When this disease reaches a severe level, then it is called autistic disorder. At the same time, when the symptoms are less, it is called autism spectrum disorder.

Identify autism with these signs

1. When the child’s confidence is low and he does not make eye contact while talking to someone. Also they get nervous.

2. Such children mostly like to be alone. He does not like to spend time with anyone.

3. After coming in the grip of this disease, children do not use their hands when they talk.

4. Children like to play only one type of game, children of any age can also be vulnerable to autism.

5. Children suffering from autism are not able to answer anything. They even make someone unheard.

6. It is not at all easy for such children to accept change.

When should autism be tested

Usually, children interact with family and other children through non-verbal behavior. By 18 months the child begins to speak simple words and by the age of two the child begins to speak two word sentences. The child’s non-verbal behavior includes interacting with family members, recognizing strangers, etc. From 18 months to 2 years of age, the child expresses its happiness by laughing. A child of 2 to two and a half years starts playing comfortably with his family members or siblings. If there is a delay in these verbal and social habits, the child is not able to walk properly and cannot hold things, then autism should be investigated.

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