Viral Infection: Protect children from seasonal diseases, see here tips to prevent infection


Viral Infection: Protect children from seasonal diseases, see here tips to prevent infection

Ways to avoid viral infection in children.

Ways to avoid viral infection in children.

Tips To Protect Your Child From Viral: Nowadays, new cases related to viral infection keep coming up in India. People are blaming the changing weather for the spread of this viral infection. The thing to note is that the weather changes every year, this time it is not a new thing, yet people are falling sick more than before. Children are more prone to such seasonal diseases because their immunity is weaker than that of adults. Also, these days adenovirus is rapidly taking children in its grip. Children suffering from this virus show symptoms like fever, runny nose, cold, difficulty in breathing. In today’s article, we will tell you some tips, by adopting which you can save your children from viral infection.

baby needs to be hydrated

The summer season has started. In such a situation, you should give maximum water to your child. It is very important to give water to children to keep them hydrated. Due to this, the body temperature also remains correct and the risk of infection also reduces. Apart from this, you can also give fruit juice to the child to increase immunity.

Do not let children near an infected person

Keep in mind that if someone in your house is suffering from cough, cold or fever, then keep your child away from that person, because in viral fever, the infection can reach other people by coughing and sneezing. As we told you that the immunity of children is weak, then the chances of them getting infection increases even more.

It is very important to feed nutritious food

Take care of the diet of children, it is very important to give them nutritious food. Feed your children such food, which will improve their immunity. Children can be made energetic through green vegetables, milk, fruit juices. Along with this, keep children away from harmful food like soda, chips, chocolate cookies etc. as much as possible. Increase the amount of porridge and cereals in the diet of children.

It is very important to take care of cleanliness

To save children from any kind of viral or other infection, take full care of cleanliness around them. Prevent mosquitoes from growing in the house, let your children go out of the house less in the morning and evening. At this time the terror of mosquitoes increases more. Get your child into the habit of washing hands before eating. Eating with dirty hands will increase the risk of infection to children even more.

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