World Hearing Day: Using earphones can reduce your hearing capacity, see how to save


Minimize the use of earphones.

Minimize the use of earphones.

World Hearing Day 2023: In today’s time, earphone has become very important for all of us. We use headphones, earbuds etc. to calm our mind, to focus on something and many people also for their entertainment. A large number of people like to listen to music by wearing headphones in metro, bus, train and flight etc. But do you know that the hobby of listening to music by wearing headphones can prove to be very dangerous for our ears. Because listening to loud music for a long time can cause serious problems like hearing loss. Many studies have been done in this matter, in which it has been confirmed that wearing earphones reduces the hearing capacity of a person.

Hearing loss due to wearing of earphones

France’s National Institute of Health and Medical Research did a study last year. According to which, a large number of people are falling prey to deafness due to wearing headphones. The main reason for this problem is excessive use of headphones. Apart from this, the problem of deafness is also increasing due to deteriorating lifestyle, social isolation and depression. In this study, 1.86 lakh people from 18 to 75 years were included, according to the World Health Organization, around 150 crore people worldwide are currently struggling due to hearing problems. Please tell that by the year 2050, this figure is expected to be 250 crores or more.

Keep these things in mind while using earphones:-

It is very important to follow the 60/60 rule

The goal of this regimen is to give your ears a rest. People who work with headphones or who for some reason have to wear headphones for a long time. They must follow this rule for the ears. Inside this, you do not have to keep the volume of your device more than 60 percent in the 60/60 rule and if you are using headphones for a long time, then you have to give rest to the ears after every 60 minutes.

It is very important to keep the headphones clean

Headphone cleaning is essential for better ear health and to prevent the risk of infection. The only thing you have to keep in mind is that while cleaning the headphone, its nozzle should not get wet, it spoils the sound quality. As wax accumulates in your ear, in the same way wax accumulates inside the headphones, which needs to be cleaned from time to time.

Adjust volume after plugging in headphones

You should wear headphones and reduce the volume only after checking its fitting. Some people already set the phone or headphones on a loud volume, but this habit has a very bad effect on your ability to hear. You should reduce the volume before using the headphones. Along with this, sudden loss of sound in the ears also has a bad effect on the eardrum. Do not share your headphones with anyone, this can also cause ear infection, if many people in the house need headphones, then keep separate headphones for all of you.

Avoid using earbuds

Nowadays wireless earbuds are trending in modern times, everyone will see you using them but they can spoil the health of your ears. Earbuds are closer to the eardrum of your ears, so using them more often reduces the hearing ability of the ears. If you want to use it for a long time, then you should use headphones instead of earbuds.


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