When and why World Brain Day is celebrated, know its importance, purpose and myths related to brain disease


When and why World Brain Day is celebrated, know its importance, purpose and myths related to brain disease

Keeping the brain healthy is very important.

Keeping the brain healthy is very important.

World Brain Day 2023: First of all, let us tell you that one of the most important parts of our body is our brain. Brain controls and regulates the work done and done in our body and by the body. Its main functions are reasoning, thinking, remembering, thinking, decision making and regulation and control of personality etc. Let us tell you that if a person gets hurt in the brain or if there is any disease related to the brain, then the person’s life can also be lost. In such a situation, we have to take great care of our brain. Today we will tell you about World Brain Day…

Why celebrate World Brain Day

The Public Awareness and Advocacy Committee of the World Congress of Neurology has organized the World Brain Day every year on 23 September 2023 to make people aware of the brain and brain related diseases. Day was proposed and it was also accepted. World Brain Day was celebrated for the first time in the year 2014 and its theme was Epilepsy. Since the year 2014, every year World Brain Day is celebrated in all the countries of the world and different themes are also kept.

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World Brain Day 2023

Like every year, this year also World Brain Day will be celebrated on 22 July. This time the theme of World Brain Day is Brain Health and Disability: Leave No One Behind, which means ‘Brain Health and Disability: Leave No One Behind’. This year people will be made aware about the myths about brain health and disability.

brain diseases

Brain is the most important part of our body, in which even a slight injury or disease can kill a person, so we all have to take special care of our brain. To keep our brain healthy, we have to make a lot of changes in our diet, lifestyle and exercise. Let us tell you that the diseases occurring in the brain mainly include bipolar disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, schizophrenia, depression, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, anxiety and brain tumor. Today we will tell you about these diseases.

bipolar disorder

This is such a disease, in which there is a rapid change in the mood of the person. There are two conditions of this disease. In the first situation, the person becomes very active and starts talking big and in the second situation, the person remains silent and sad. In this second situation, there remains a lot of danger of the person taking steps like suicide.

post-traumatic stress disorder

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a group of reactions that can occur in people who have experienced a traumatic event. There is a threat to their life, safety or the life and safety of people around them and they may have problems of repeated stress, being cut off from people etc.

brain tumor

Brain tumors are caused by uncontrolled growth of tissue in the brain, but not all brain tumors are malignant or cancerous. Cancerous brain tumors are known to grow faster than non-cancerous brain tumors. Apart from the head, other symptoms can also arise in the symptoms of brain tumor. Let us tell you that a brain tumor can either occur anywhere in or around the brain tissue or it can occur in the brain from other parts of the body, which is known as metastatic brain tumor.

Keep brain healthy like this


To keep the brain healthy, it is very important to keep your immunity strong, so that you do not get sick again and again. Actually, when we fall physically ill frequently, our brain is affected by it, in such a situation, there is a lot of impact on the productivity, sharpness and performance of the brain, so take care of your body. To keep healthy, include healthy lifestyle and nutritious foods in the diet.


To keep your mind healthy, it is very important to keep it away from stress, for this you should do yoga and meditation regularly. Yoga and meditation helps a lot in keeping your body fit. Let us tell you that doing meditation helps a lot in calming the turmoil of your mind.


A healthy person must take at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep, which keeps you healthy. Lack of sleep also affects our mind, so make a routine for your sleep and wake up and follow it regularly.

food and drink

Let us tell you that the effect of our diet also affects our brain, in such a situation, we should not consume junk food, fast food, cigarette, alcohol and tobacco etc. Should be avoided or should not be consumed at all. We should consume only nutritious food in our diet, which helps in keeping our brain healthy.

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Some myths related to Brain Disease (Brain Tumor)

increasing risk of brain tumor from mobile phone

Regarding brain tumor, it is said that due to excessive use of mobile phone, the risk of getting brain tumor increases significantly. However, let us tell you that there is no such scientific evidence, which can prove that brain tumor is caused by excessive use of mobile phones.

If parents have brain tumor then the child is also at risk

People believe that if a child’s parent has a brain tumor, then the risk of the child also increases significantly, but let us tell you that there is no scientific evidence for this, so this The matter cannot be taken as true.

People above 60 have brain tumor

Some people say that brain tumor occurs only in old age people, which is not the right thing. Brain tumor can happen to anyone from children to the elderly. Let us tell you that 3.9% of the cases of successful treatment of brain tumors are in children aged 0-14 years.

brain tumor means cancer

Most people believe that having a brain tumor means having cancer, but let us tell you that this is not true. Brain tumors are both cancerous and non-cancerous. Furthermore, only one-third of brain tumors turn into cancer, which can be fatal. If it is detected in time, then you can get cured by treating it.

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