Thirst is not detected, victims of Silent Dehydration, know the details


Know what is silent dehydration.

Know what is silent dehydration.

Know What Is Silent Dehydration:Generally, the problem of dehydration can occur in any season, but this problem starts increasing more in summer. In this season, when the temperature rises, more cases of dehydration start coming to the fore. Our body needs a lot of water to stay healthy and function properly. Explain that toxins come out of the body through urine and sweat. In such a situation, according to the amount of water that is going out of our body, if we do not drink water, the symptoms of dehydration start appearing. However, you will be surprised to know that many times there are no symptoms of dehydration. This condition is called silent dehydration.

Let us know what is silent dehydration

The problem of dehydration is very common in the summer season. dehydration (dehydration) there are problems like weakness in the body, feeling thirsty, dry mouth or dizziness. If you are not feeling any of these symptoms, it does not mean that you do not have dehydration problem. Explain that the reason for dehydration is not only increased temperature, but there are many other reasons behind it. Such as diarrhea, excessive sweating, vomiting or lack of water. Explain that during dehydration, there is a deficiency of essential electrolytes such as chloride, potassium and sodium in our body. These electrolytes are very important for the proper functioning of our cells and if their deficiency is not met immediately, it can also have serious consequences.

How much water is right for a human

According to experts, you should drink 35ml/kgBW/day of water throughout the day. Please tell that if your weight is 50 kg, then you should drink about 2 liters of water in a day. Along with this, the deficiency of water that comes out of the body through sweat in summer should also be fulfilled.

Let us know how to avoid dehydration

Drink water while sipping to keep the body hydrated. Drink 1-2 glasses of water with a pinch of salt throughout the day.

Many times in between work we forget to drink water or ignore the thirst. However, you should not do this at all.

Apart from this, to prevent dehydration, eat things with high water content like watermelon, melon, cucumber (benefits of cucumber juice) and cucumber.

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