Pigeon Breeder Disease: Feeding pigeons will be harmful for your health, know the reason


Pigeon Breeder Disease: Feeding pigeons will be harmful for your health, know the reason

Feeding pigeons will harm the body.

Feeding pigeons will harm the body.

Pigeon Breeder Disease And Its Symptoms: The summer season has started, so many people keep grains and water on the roofs of their houses for the birds to eat. Giving food and water to a hungry and thirsty person is a very virtuous act. Then whether it is a human or a dumb bird, whatever creature you help, they bless you with all their heart. But, nowadays, due to these speechless birds, serious diseases are being seen in people. According to experts, pigeons can be heavy for human health. In such a situation, while feeding the birds, you should take care of some special things. Actually, coming in contact with birds can cause serious lung disease. Let us know everything about this serious problem.

Risk of infection increasing in Delhi

In the country’s capital Delhi, many people feed pigeons and other birds. Many people who sell grains are seen at many intersections, buying grains from them, people feed them to pigeons and other birds. This is the reason that the risk of infection from birds has increased in Delhi.

The risk of spreading the disease is increasing

Explain that this infection caused by pigeons and other birds is called Pigeon Breeder Disease. This is a serious infection in the lungs, it is also known as Bird Fancier’s Disease, Farmer’s Lungs. In medical language, it is called sensitive pneumonitis ie HP. HP is a type of Interstitial Lung Disease ie ILD. It is produced after coming in contact with antigens in the organic matter of human breath. In some cases, this condition also arises due to exposure to bacteria.

These people are more at risk

Let us tell that not every human being is at risk of falling prey to this disease. This disease is more for those people, who are more in contact with pigeons. Repeatedly feed them, as well as come in contact with their feces. According to experts, CT scan, pulmonary function testing machine, and bronchoscopic can be used to check for lung infection and thus the disease can be detected.

These symptoms are seen in the disease

Different types of symptoms appear in many people after getting infected with this disease. These people get asthmatic attack, severe infection of the lungs, cough, cold etc. This can lead to fibrotic lung disease. This risk can be prevented by installing bird nets in the house and regular cleaning of bird droppings. Tell that to prevent this disease, the breeding of pigeons should be controlled.

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