Watching mobile phone for a long time can be expensive, know its effects


Watching mobile phone for a long time can be expensive, know its effects

Negative effects of mobile phones.

Negative effects of mobile phones.

Mobile phone: In today’s time, mobile phone has become a very important part of people’s daily life. Whether to talk to a person, check office mail, order food or order some goods, etc. mobile phones are used for all these works. By using mobile phone, you stay updated according to technology, but somewhere due to this, your health has a very bad effect (Side Effect on Health). By using mobile phone for hours, you have to face many problems related to health. Many such reports have come to the fore, in which excessive use of mobile phones has been considered dangerous for overall health. Using a mobile phone for a long time, when it will take you in its grip, you will not even realize it.

Due to excessive use of mobile phone, one has to face eye problems (Eye Problems Due to Using Mobile Phone). Regarding the dangers to people’s health due to the use of mobile phones, doctors say that those who use mobile phones for more than 30 minutes daily, they are at risk of high blood pressure. Pressure) is very high. Doctors also say that the radio frequency emanating from mobile phones is the biggest reason for high blood pressure.

According to doctors, this problem is being seen a lot in urban people. Doctors say that mobile phone has become one of the biggest needs in the lives of urban people. But, it is very important for people to be aware that due to this their health is being affected very badly. So let us know what kind of problems (Disadvantage of Using Mobile) have to be faced by using mobile phones.

disadvantages of using mobile phone

damage to the eyes

Continuous use of mobile can put pressure on the eyes. Sometimes we do not realize it, but it can also harm our eyes. Because of this people’s eyes become weak and they have to wear spectacles. Our eyes are one of the most delicate parts of the body. Using the phone till late night also affects the skin. The blue screen of mobile can harm your eyes manifold.

wrist pain

Excessive use of anything always proves to be harmful and when it comes to mobile phones, it is better that we use them carefully. Because of its habit (Habit of Using Mobile Phone) you may have to face many problems. Due to excessive use of the phone, the wrist becomes numb and the pain also starts. This leads to tingling in the wrist, which can later lead to carpal tunnel syndrome.

sleeping pattern is disturbed

Sleep is the most important part of our lifestyle and good sleep is considered essential for every person. Using mobile till late night reduces the hours of sleep. Because of this you may have the problem of dark circles. Also, you do not feel fresh in the morning and you start feeling sleepy during the day as well. Excessive use of mobile can sometimes also cause sleeplessness.

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stress can increase

Stress is normal but when it comes to phone stress, it can be due to many reasons like using mobile for long hours at night reduces the level of Melatonin Hormone. Due to this, the stress level starts increasing and reading something on the internet for a long time, all these can lead to serious illness in the future.

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