Overhydration: Drinking excessive water is also dangerous for health, know which serious diseases you will be a victim of


Overhydration: Drinking excessive water is also dangerous for health, know which serious diseases you will be a victim of

Drinking too much water can make you ill.

Drinking too much water can make you ill.

Side Effects of Overhydration: Water is one of the most precious things available from nature. Every animal, bird, tree-plant and human beings present on this earth need water. We all often hear at our homes that water should be drunk in plenty, because it is very good for our health. Water cleanses our blood, brightens the face and there is no problem of dehydration. If we go to see the benefits of drinking water, then this list will be very long, but have you ever heard about the disadvantages of drinking water. You will be surprised to know that by drinking water the body can face many problems.

If you drink more water than required, then you become a victim of overhydration. In the language of science, overhydration is also called intoxication. In this situation, the amount of water in the human body increases significantly. Because of this, the problem of electrolyte imbalance or low sodium arises inside the body. Because of this, symptoms like vomiting, headache and nausea start appearing in the body. If you are also drinking more water considering it as best for health, then be careful because by drinking more water you are making yourself very ill.

Let us know what are the problems caused by excessive water

kidney problems

Drinking too much water also causes serious damage to our kidneys. Indeed, when overhydration causes arginine vasopressin plasma levels to decrease in the body. This has a direct effect on the functioning of the kidney. In such a situation, you should avoid drinking excessive water.

bad effect on brain

If you drink more than enough water, then due to this the sodium level starts decreasing. Due to this, swelling occurs in the brain cells. Due to swelling in the brain, a person has difficulty in keeping or saying his words, it also becomes difficult for him to walk properly. Apart from this, a person becomes a victim of confusion.

Not only the brain but also the body cells get inflamed

Drinking excessive water reduces the level of sodium in the body, after which water enters the cells through the osmosis process. Because of this, there is a problem of swelling in the cells. This condition gives rise to very serious problems, such as muscle tissue and brain damage, etc.

heart problems

According to experts, if you drink more water, then due to this the risk of heart failure also increases. Actually, when we drink more water, it increases the amount of blood in the body. Its direct pressure falls on the blood vessels of the heart. Due to this unnecessary pressure, the risk of heart failure increases a lot.

Drinking this amount of water is sufficient for adults

How much water you need to drink in a day depends on many things. Please tell that it can also be different from one person to another. According to the US National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine, adults should drink this much water a day.

11.5 cups (2.7 liters) a day for women

15.5 cups (3.7 liters) a day for men

Let us tell you that this water also includes beverages and food like tea and juice. The thing to note is that on an average, you get 20 per cent of your water from the food you eat.

Note: Water is good for your health only as long as it is not overdone. If you are facing any problem due to drinking water, then definitely go to the doctor.

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