Mononucleosis: kissing will make you very ill, know the symptoms and prevention of mononucleosis disease


Kissing disease can be very dangerous.

Kissing disease can be very dangerous.

Know What Is Mononucleosis: Couples kiss to express their love for each other. In this way, physically and emotionally attachment increases in people. However, kissing done to show love and affection to the partner can make you very sick. This disease is called Infectious Mononucleosis in medical language and kissing disease in common language. Explain that this disease can spread due to many viruses, but in 90 percent of the cases this disease is spread by Epstein Barr virus i.e. EBV. According to the American organization Center for Disease Control and Prevention ie Mononucleosis CDC, kissing disease is a virus of the herpes family. Let us now know how this disease spreads.

Know what is kissing disease

According to experts, this disease spreads through human saliva. When one person has contact with another person during kissing, then this virus is transferred to each other. After this it spreads throughout the body, EBV infection is most common in young people. Explain that EBV virus can also spread from one person to another by coughing, sneezing, blood transmission, sexual contact. If teenagers are infected with this virus, then the symptoms are less in them. At the same time, the chances of infection in the elderly are greatly reduced.

These are the symptoms of kissing disease

having a fever

feeling tired


body aches

neck swelling

swollen tonsils

liver enlargement

get rashes

If you are seeing all these symptoms, then without wasting time you should contact the doctor.

How to prevent kissing disease

Rest is very important The more rest a person with Epstein Barr virus gets, the better they will feel and the less tired they will be. In this way the body’s ability to fight the virus will increase.

It is important to stay hydrated: There should be sufficient amount of water in the body to fight this virus. In this way the body is prepared to fight the virus. When there is less water in the body, the risk of other diseases also increases.

Take medicines on time: To prevent this disease, a person should take the medicines prescribed by the doctor on time. Apart from this, if the patient is having pain, then he can take Brufen or Combiflam.


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