Married life will keep you away from many diseases, age will be longer than single people, read shocking revelation of new research


Marriage also increases the age of a person.

Marriage also increases the age of a person.

Positive Health Effects Of Marriage: It is often seen on social media about the compulsions of married men and women. Through all these memes, people jokingly advise not to get married. However, whether anyone accepts his advice or not, it has not been known till date. In such a situation, you must have heard and seen many reasons for not getting married till now, but do you know that getting married can increase your age. Yes, recently such a study has come out, in which marriage has been told the reason for living a long and healthy life. This means that married people live longer than unmarried people. Let us understand this study very well.

This was revealed in the study on women

According to a study published in Global Epidemiology, the risk of death was up to 35 percent lower among married women than among women who were single. Explain that 11,830 American women were monitored inside this study. It also came to light in this study that the risk of death was up to 19 percent higher among women who got divorced than women who remained married. In simple words, you can understand that married women live longer than single and divorced women.

These things came out in the study on men

A new study from the American College of Cardiology found that married men live longer and healthier lives than single men. In this study, 6800 men aged 45-84 were monitored. The study found that married men were 2.2 times more likely to die than single men. Overall, getting married is great for both men and women.

Married people are not at risk of these diseases

According to the study that came out, the risk of many serious diseases in married people is much less than that of single people.

heart disease





Skin cancer etc.

The obvious reason for reducing the risk of these diseases is that married people have to follow a good lifestyle regarding their health, which is usually found to be less in single persons.


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