Home Remedies: Are you troubled by frequent stomach cramps and pain, try 4 home remedies; you will get instant relief


Home Remedies: Are you troubled by frequent stomach cramps and pain, try 4 home remedies;  you will get instant relief

Home Remedies Stomach Pain: During summer, if even a little bit of wrong food or drink is consumed, it becomes the cause of stomach ache and cramps. If bad lifestyle and wrong eating habits persist for a long time, it can lead to serious stomach diseases. If your stomach is upset due to eating habits and is causing pain, then some home remedies may be useful for you.

The remedies given by grandmothers provide great relief from stomach ache. If you have not tried these then you can try them once. Let us know about some home remedies which can provide relief from stomach problems.

Home remedies will provide relief from stomach ache

Fennel – Fennel is easily available in every kitchen. Fennel helps in relieving stomach ache and improving digestion. Add one spoon of fennel in a cup of water and boil it for at least 10 minutes. After this, cool the water and consume it twice a day. This provides relief from stomach ache.

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Asafoetida – Asafoetida works like a panacea for stomach ache. The compounds present in asafoetida are very effective in stomach problems. Take a glass of lukewarm water and add a pinch of asafoetida in it. You can drink such water three to four times a day. Will get relief from stomach ache. Applying asafoetida water around the navel of children provides relief from stomach ache.

Ginger – Ginger, which enhances the taste of sipping tea, is full of medicinal properties. In case of stomach ache, grate a piece of ginger and add it to a glass of water. Boil it and then when it cools down, add one spoon of honey and drink it.

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education – Hot compress is very effective in case of stomach ache. It provides great relief in mild stomach ache. Compression relaxes the muscles and relieves pain and cramps.

(Disclaimer: The material given in this article is for information only. News2News.in does not confirm these. Before implementing any advice or suggestion, please consult an expert or doctor.)

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