Eye Twitching: Eye twitching is not auspicious or inauspicious, but due to these reasons, see here the best home remedies


Eye Twitching: Eye twitching is not auspicious or inauspicious, but due to these reasons, see here the best home remedies

There are many reasons for blinking of eyes.

There are many reasons for blinking of eyes.

Know How To Stop Eye Twitching: Most people weigh the process of blinking in the scales of auspicious and inauspicious. However, twitching of the eye is a natural muscle action that is triggered by stress. Apart from this, eye strain, fatigue, dry eyes, excessive caffeine intake, dehydration and drinking alcohol can also be the reason behind it. Today we will tell you the reason behind this problem and the measures to avoid it, by adopting which you will get relief.

What are the reasons for blinking

The main reason for this is the deficiency of Vitamin B-12. Apart from this, spending more time on electronic devices such as mobile phones and computers, smoking or alcohol consumption, excessive consumption of coffee and tea, stress and depression, etc. can lead to twitching of the eyes.

How to avoid the problem of blinking of eyes

1. Blink your eyes continuously: Whenever you feel that the eye is blinking excessively, then you close your eyes as tightly as possible and then open them as wide as possible. Keep doing this process until tears start flowing from your eyes. If you feel any pain in the eye, stop this activity immediately.

2. Massage the eyes: Use your middle finger to massage the lower eyelid. After this, massage the fluttering eyelid for about 30 seconds. Before doing this massage, make sure that your hands and face are clean.

3. Eye Exercises: For this exercise, you have to close your eyes for a full minute. After this open your eyes and rotate in all four directions. Repeat this action about three times before opening the eyes.

4. Wash eyes with cold water: Splash your closed eyes with lukewarm and cool water. Cold water constricts the blood vessels, while lukewarm water dilates the blood vessels. Rub ice cubes on your eyelids before splashing warm water. This process can be repeated 7-8 times.

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