Diabetes patients should become happy, now blood sugar will be controlled by consuming these things


Measures to control blood sugar.

Measures to control blood sugar.

Diabetes: The number of diabetes patients is increasing every day in the world. According to the World Health Organisation, India has the highest number of diabetes patients. This disease occurs due to increased sugar level in the blood. Health experts say that if someone gets diabetes once, it stays with you for life. Diabetes is a disease, which is a bit difficult to treat. High blood sugar can be controlled with medication, diet and regular exercise. If you are also suffering from diabetes and want to control blood sugar, then start your day with these things mentioned by us.

Start the day by consuming these things


If you are very worried about your increasing sugar, then take a glass every morning immediately after waking up and mix it with lukewarm water and mix one teaspoon of cinnamon powder and consume it. By doing this, the blood sugar level remains under control.


Diabetes experts say that the consumption of basil is considered very beneficial to control the rising sugar. To make this drink, put two to four basil leaves in a glass of lukewarm water and consume it. If you want, you can also consume basil juice. Tulsi helps in controlling the blood sugar level.

green tea

Nowadays green tea is in great trend. It contains many essential nutrients, which prove beneficial for both health and beauty. A very high amount of polyphenol is found in it. By consuming it, sugar remains under control. You can consume two cups of green tea a day. Consult a doctor before consuming more than this amount.

Gram flour parathas

Gram flour parathas are no less than a boon for people suffering from the problem of diabetes, as it helps in controlling the rising blood sugar. That’s why diabetic patients can start their day with gram flour paratha. In simple language, you can eat gram flour parathas daily in the morning breakfast. Glycemic index is found to be low in gram flour. Apart from this, a lot of protein and fiber is found in gram flour paratha.

Also Read: Do these yoga asanas daily, your sugar will be controlled naturally.


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