Hair oil: With the help of these oils, reduce hair fall in a pinch


Use these oils to prevent hair fall.

Use these oils to prevent hair fall.

Hair oil: We all must have heard this in our childhood and are still hearing that applying oil to the hair strengthens the hair. Not only this, due to oil, hair growth also happens in a good way. For this reason, in our childhood, our mothers and grandmothers used to apply a lot of oil to our hair. But, many people often do not like to apply oil to their hair when they grow up. In such a situation, due to dust and pollution as well as poor lifestyle, they Hairy Many problems related to it have to be faced.

In today’s time, everyone is troubled by the problem of hair fall and hair fall. Due to continuous hair fall, not only the hair is less, but due to this, the growth of hair also stops to a great extent. In such a situation, to prevent hair fall, people take the help of chemical products and try to get rid of these problems. But using these products many times your problems increase a lot. In such a situation, if you want to strengthen and thicken your hair naturally, then you can prepare these three types of oil at home. Learn how to make them-

Amla oil

Material: a handful of dried gooseberries

100 ml coconut oil

how to make amla oil

To make gooseberry oil, take a handful of dry gooseberries.

Now mix these gooseberries with coconut oil and grind them coarsely.

After this, keep this oil in an airtight glass bottle.

Now keep this bottle in sunlight for at least 15 days.

After this keep the oil in this bottle after filtering it and store it somewhere.

Now this oil is ready to use.

Badam oil

Material: 1 tablespoon almond oil

1 tablespoon jojoba oil

1 Vitamin E capsule

4 drops rosemary essential oil

how to make almond oil

To make almond oil, mix all the above ingredients together.

Now fill this prepared oil in a glass bottle.

Apply it to your hair with light hands a night before shampooing your hair.

Also Read: Hair Care: Make hair thick and strong, read easy home remedies

curry leaves oil

Material: 3 tbsp coconut oil

handful of curry leaves

How to prepare curry leaves oil

To make curry leaves oil, first of all take coconut oil.

Now put a handful of curry leaves in it.

Now take a vessel and heat this oil in it till it turns black in colour.

After this, let the oil cool down and keep it in a small bottle.

So, your homemade curry leaves oil for hair is ready. Before using it, heat the oil slightly.


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