Viral: The pilot had to go inside the plane through the cockpit window, users said – this is not a joke


Pilot going inside the plane through the cockpit window.

Pilot going inside the plane through the cockpit window.

Viral: The picture of the airport is becoming increasingly viral on the social media platform Twitter, in which the pilot can be seen going inside through the cockpit window of the plane. For some time now, more than one video related to the flight is surfacing on social media and becoming increasingly viral, some of which made people laugh, while some videos shocked people. Sometimes people are seen dancing in the flight, and sometimes some people are seen singing songs to attract the attention of the passengers sitting in the flight. At the same time, in some viral videos, people have been caught on camera doing strange acts and even showering punches on each other.

Users are also stunned to see this photo becoming increasingly viral. Please tell that this viral photo is of San Diego Airport in California. Where the crew members and pilots of Southwest Airlines plane lost their sweat due to the mistake of a passenger. In fact, in Southwest Airlines in the US, the condition of crew members and pilots worsened when a passenger accidentally closed the door of the aircraft, due to which it got locked inside, after which the pilot was forced to leave the cockpit. Had to climb through the window to enter inside the plane.

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It is being told that only the pilots can open the locked door, who themselves could not board the plane at that time. During this time the picture is now going viral on social media. So far more than 29 thousand people have seen this viral post on Twitter, while hundreds of people have liked the post. Sharing the post, it is written in the caption, ‘This is not a joke, yesterday the last passenger closed the door of the plane by mistake. There was no one on the plane and the door was locked. Meanwhile, the pilot had to go inside through the cockpit window and open the door.


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