Foreign blogger came to India, drank mud in the Himalayas and said – tastes like masala tea; Video


Foreign blogger came to India, drank mud in the Himalayas and said – tastes like masala tea;  Video

Tea was not invented in India, but it is the national drink of India. Go to any corner of India and you will find tea everywhere. People will be found enjoying the sip of tea. At the same time, foreigners are also crazy about Indian tea. When one such traveler came to India, he went to the Himalayan mountains. There he made a funny video on masala tea and shared his experience. A foreign traveler described the muddy water in the Himalayas as the masala tea of ​​India. After this, when this video went viral, Indian users were also not left behind. He replied fiercely to the foreign traveller.

In a video going viral on social media, a foreign traveler is roaming in the Himalayan hills. He talks about India’s Masala Chai. He says on camera that I traveled hundreds of kilometers to the roof of India, Himachal Pradesh, to search for just one thing and that is the source of masala tea.

Then the foreign traveler turns his camera towards the muddy road and says that this is masala chai. The blogger shows the flowing mud and says that the cows are already milking it in the mountains, then he pretends to pick up the mud and taste it. Says it really has the flavor of cinnamon and clove.

Indian users replied
The video was shared by an Instagram account named jamesbondsai. It has been viewed more than 50 thousand times. On which Indian users reacted fiercely. One user wrote – Now the people of USO will have confidence and we will get tourism. Another user wrote- Now you can become the Prime Minister of India. One user wrote – What is the point of making such a stupid video? One user wrote – Expensive masala tea.

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