CG Politics: State BJP President Sao said – This government has put Chhattisgarh to shame in the entire country..


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Raipur- BJP state president Arun Sao has taken a press conference. In which he took a jibe at the government and said that ever since the Congress government has been formed in the state. Since then, Chhattisgarh has been put to shame in the whole of India. Scams after scams are happening continuously here. Now ED has exposed the matter. Custom milling amount has been increased from 40 to 120. This kind of increase has never happened before.

175 crore scam…

Accusing the government of scam, Arun Sao said that when the scam was exposed, it became clear how the Markfed officials were carrying out the scam as per the plan. A scam of Rs 175 crore has been exposed in this. Markfed MD Manoj Soni is continuously getting extensions. After all, why is the government attached to this officer? Why has a mechanism for recovery of election funds been set up? This has come to light in the preliminary information. More scam money is going to be found further in the investigation.

Why are they not paid…

BJP State President Arun Sao said that what a big gang is involved in this, whose money was coming from this. He was the one who was paid. Those rice millers who did not pay bribes were paid. Such a scam has happened for the first time in India. Chhattisgarh is being looted with both hands. I warn the officials, those who loot the public will not be spared at any cost. Because now the countdown of the officials has started.


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