Yoga Asanas For Sinus: If you are troubled by sinus problem, then do these 4 yoga asanas daily.


Yoga Asanas For Sinus: If you are troubled by sinus problem, then do these 4 yoga asanas daily.

Doing these yoga asanas will cure sinus disease.

Doing these yoga asanas will cure sinus disease.

Yoga Asanas For Sinus:With the arrival of monsoon, the risk of contracting many diseases increases. Like the fear of cold, cough, cold, infection and body pain etc. starts troubling people. With the arrival of this season, sinus patients also start facing a lot of problems. This causes blocked nose, mucus, headache, watery nose and difficulty in breathing. That’s why many people take medicines to get relief from sinus disease. You all must be aware that taking excess medicines is harmful for health. If you also want to get rid of sinus problem, then you can do yoga. Today we will tell you about some such yoga asanas, with the help of which you will get relief from sinus. Let us know which yoga asanas should be done to avoid sinus…

It is beneficial to do Gomukhasana Yogasana.

To do this exercise, first of all bring both feet forward on the mat.

♦ After this, bend your left knee and bring the heel down to the ground on the right side.

♦ After that, bend your right leg slightly and try to bring the heel of your right foot near your left foot.

♦ After this, move your hands upwards from behind the back.

♦ After doing all these things, bend your right hand at the elbow and take it backwards.

♦ After doing this, now close both your palms.

♦ During this, breathe in and out 3 to 4 times.

♦ After doing this, change the position of both hands and legs and do yoga.

♦ When you are suffering from sinus disease, you can do this yoga asana 3 to 5 times.

Setubandhasana should be done for sinus

♦ To do this yoga asana, first lie down on the ground.

♦ After lying down, bend both your knees and bring the soles on the ground.

♦ After this, hold the heels of your feet with the help of both your hands.

♦ After doing this, take a breath and slowly move your body upwards.

♦ Remain in this position for at least 1 or 2 minutes.

♦ Immediately after doing this, exhale and come back to the previous position.

This disease will be cured by doing Ustrasana.

♦ If you are suffering from sinus disease, then do Ustrasana Yoga.

♦ To do this, first of all you should lie down on your knees and place both hands on your hips.

♦ During this, keep in mind that both the knees should be equal to your shoulders.

♦ After doing this, one should take a deep breath and apply light pressure on the spine.

♦ Bring all this pressure towards the navel.

♦ After this, hold the legs with both hands and bring the waist backwards and bend it.

♦ After staying in this position for 30 to 60 seconds, you can then come back to the previous position.

♦ This yoga asana can be done 3 to 5 times.

Doing Bhujangasana is beneficial for sinus.

♦ To do Bhujangasana, first lie down on the ground.

♦ After lying down, stick the elbows of your hands to the waist and bring the palms of the hands upwards.

♦ Now while slowly inhaling, lift your chest upwards.

♦ After this, lift your stomach upwards and remain in this position for at least 3 seconds.

♦ During this, while exhaling, slowly bring the chest, stomach and head towards the ground.

♦ This entire process can be done 3 to 5 times.

♦ This process can be done 3-5 times.

Also read:-Arbi Leaves Benefits: Not only arbi leaves also eliminate many diseases from their roots.

Disclaimer: This news is based on general information. Before implementing these methods and suggestions, definitely consult the concerned expert.

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