Worms In Stomach: Troubled by stomach worms, follow these easy tips


Worms In Stomach: Troubled by stomach worms, follow these easy tips

Home remedies to remove worms from the stomach of children

Home remedies to remove worms from the stomach of children

Worms In Stomach: It is very common for children to have worms in their stomach, but it is very important to fix this simple thing on time. Often, due to lack of hygiene in small children, stomach worms start to grow. Children touch many types of things from the ground to the soil and also put it in their mouth. Many times it happens that when a small child’s teeth come out, then the children keep putting their hands and fingers in their mouth. Because of this, the dirt of the hands goes into the stomach and worms start falling. These parasites start spreading very fast as soon as they reach the stomach. anyway intestinal worms There are no specific symptoms of having worms, but still there are some such signs, which can be understood by appearing in the body of children that they have worms in their stomach.

Symptoms of Intestinal Worms

– child’s abdominal pain

– Baby’s weight loss

– loss of appetite

-loss of interest in food

vomiting or coughing

Sometimes children become very irritable.

– diarrhea or nausea

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Get rid of stomach worms with the help of these methods

A large amount of anti-bacterial properties are found in celery. To kill stomach worms, roast celery and make its powder. Then mix it with jaggery and make small balls. Let the children eat celery and jaggery tablet three times a day. This tablet will prove helpful in killing the worms growing in the stomach of children.

To kill stomach worms, mix black salt in celery powder and give it to children with lukewarm water at night. Doing this helps in expelling the stomach worms.

To get rid of worms from the stomach, cut tomatoes and apply rock salt and black pepper powder on them and give them to eat. By eating this, stomach worms die quickly and also come out.

Give children pumpkin seeds to eat. Stomach worms also die by eating this.

Must feed turmeric and garlic in some form or the other to small children. They are full of anti bacterial properties. Eating which helps in eliminating stomach worms.

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