World Liver Day 2024: Drinking too much alcohol can cause fatty liver, 4 reasons are the major reasons for this disease


World Liver Day 2024: Like heart and kidney, liver is also an important part of our body. Our lifestyle and eating habits are responsible for liver related diseases. World Liver Day is celebrated every year on 19 April to make people aware about liver health. Fatty liver problem is often seen in people which occurs due to accumulation of fat in the liver.

There are some bad habits and diseases responsible for fatty liver. If you want to always keep your liver healthy, then it is very important to know some things.

4 major reasons for fatty liver

Excessive alcohol consumption: Excessive alcohol consumption is the most common cause of fatty liver. When you drink too much alcohol, your liver struggles to break it down. This leads to formation of fat and this fat can accumulate in the liver and cause the problem of fatty liver.

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obesity: Obesity is another major cause of fatty liver. People who are overweight or obese are more likely to develop fatty liver, especially if they have excess belly fat (visceral fat). That is why it is very important to keep obesity under control.

Diabetes: People with type 2 diabetes have a higher risk of developing fatty liver. Diabetes prevents the body from using insulin effectively, which can contribute to fat buildup in the liver.

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High Cholesterol: High blood triglyceride (a type of fat) levels can cause fatty liver disease. That is why it is important not to allow the amount of cholesterol in the blood vessels to increase.

(Disclaimer: The material given in this article is for information only. does not confirm these. Before implementing any advice or suggestion, please consult an expert or doctor.)


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