Winter Problems: This is the reason behind excessive sleep in winter, know the ways of prevention


The reason behind excessive sleep in winter

The reason behind excessive sleep in winter

Winter Problems: As soon as the winter season starts, the body starts feeling tired and lazy. Don’t even feel like getting out of the hot quilt in the morning. During this time we get more sleep. When we ask people, it is said that this is happening due to change in weather. But perhaps you may not know the reasons behind it. Let us know why we sleep more in winter…

change in weather

In winter the temperature drops and the days become shorter. Due to this, there is deficiency of Vitamin D in the body. When there is deficiency of Vitamin D in the body, the person has to face problems like excessive fatigue and sleep. Also, metabolism increases due to cold weather. Due to this, the possibility of problems like excessive sleep and excessive hunger increases.

Reducing physical activity

As soon as winter starts, most people stop exercising. People prefer to sit at one place. Due to this, problems like excessive sleep and laziness can occur due to less physical activity.

Change in diet

In winter, people consume more things like milk, curd, ghee. If you know, excessive consumption of dairy products causes the biggest problem of sleep.

Having seasonal effect disorder

Changes in weather also affect a person’s mental health. One of them is Seasonal Affective Disorder, which is a form of depression. It is seen to be linked to the weather. Usually this disorder occurs even in summer. But its cases are seen more in winter than in summer. In this, symptoms like anger, irritability and tension are felt.

Protect yourself in these ways

  • Be sure to take sunlight during day time.
  • Eat seasonal vegetables and fruits.
  • Exercise for 20 to 30 minutes daily in winter.
  • Try to wake up on time in the morning.

Also read:-Ayurveda Plants: Grow these plants at home in winter, best for health.


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