RO Water Health Risk: Can RO water really cause health problems, know how


Disadvantages of drinking RO water.

Disadvantages of drinking RO water.

RO water can harm your health: Reverse osmosis water is water that has been filtered to remove many impurities, including dissolved minerals, bacteria, and viruses. While RO water is generally considered safe to drink, using it over a long period of time can cause health hazards.

According to experts, RO water lacks essential minerals, which are essential for good health. These minerals like calcium, magnesium and potassium help control blood pressure, heart health and bone health. When these minerals are removed from the water, they can also be lost from the body. RO water can cause many health problems, which include-

Health problems caused by RO water


Low level of calcium in blood.


Low levels of magnesium in the blood.

potassium deficiency

Low level of potassium in blood.

bone loss

Decreased bone density and increased risk of fractures.

heart problems

The risk of heart disease and stroke in people can increase manifold.

Kidney stone

Consuming RO water increases the risk of kidney stones to a great extent, as the RO process removes some alkaline minerals from the water. Due to which RO water can become acidic. Acidic water can disrupt the pH balance of the body.


Ulcers start forming in the lining of the stomach or intestines.

Lastly, if the RO system is not maintained properly, the RO water can also become contaminated with bacteria or viruses.

Tips to reduce the dangers of drinking RO water

Choose an RO system that has a good quality filter.

Drink RO water in small quantities. You get minerals from other sources, like food etc.

If you are concerned about the dangers of drinking RO water, you can try other types of filtered water, such as filtered tap water.

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