Pizza Burger Cancer: Those who eat pizza burgers should be careful, it may cause cancer.


Eating pizza-burger can cause cancer.

Eating pizza and burgers can cause cancer.

Pizza Burger Cancer: The figures of continuously increasing cancer patients across the world are shocking. Millions of people lose their lives every year due to cancer. However, due to modern medical methods, its treatment has become somewhat easier. But, scientists are still worried about the death due to this. Earlier, cancer was more common in the elderly, but today most of the cancer patients are seen in young people. Since Covid, cancer cases have increased even more rapidly. However, the new research that has come out now shows that fast food like pizza burger is also increasing the risk of cancer in people (Cancer risk from pizza burger). Let us tell you in this news what is there in Pizza Burger, due to which not only youth but also children can fall prey to cancer (Causes of childhood cancer).

Cancer cases increased in 2019

A research has found that those who are vulnerable to cancer are mainly people below 50 years of age. More cases of early cancer have been seen in 2010 and 2019. This has been revealed in a study published in JAMA Network Open. Scientists have expressed concern over the figures. Studies have found that the fastest growing cancer is gastrointestinal. In this case, an increase of up to 14.19 percent has been seen. After this, the maximum number of cases have come to the notice of breast cancer.

Fast food eaters beware

According to the study, cancer cases are increasing among the youth due to poor lifestyle. Poor sleep, alcohol consumption, obesity, smoking, zero physical activity are responsible for this. Apart from this, eating unhealthy food has also increased the risk of cancer among the youth. If you are young and fond of eating fast food, then you need to be careful at times. In fact, consuming burgers, pizza and drinks for a long time can cause intestinal cancer. Research has found that since the Corona epidemic, there has been a rapid increase in the cases of cancer.

Can pizza burger cause cancer?

Research shows that ultra processed foods like pizza and burgers made from refined flour contain things like fat, sugar and excess salt. Consuming it in excess has adverse effects on health. According to this research, 29 percent of the men who eat more pizza and burgers are those who can become vulnerable to cancer. Talking about women, 17 out of 100 women may fall prey to cancer due to excessive consumption of things like pizza and burgers. In such a situation, it is advisable to eat pizza burger, but excessive consumption should be avoided.

improve lifestyle

Youth should improve their lifestyle. Talking about the statistics of cancer in India, according to the data released this year by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) and the National Cancer Registry Programme, 1 in every 9 people in India is likely to get cancer. The number of cancer cases is projected to increase from 14.6 lakh in 2022 to 15.7 lakh in 2025. Therefore, youth should focus on healthy diet instead of unhealthy food.


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