Karela Benefits: For whom is bitter gourd a panacea, who should not eat it; Which list are you on? Read full details


Karela Benefits: For whom is bitter gourd a panacea, who should not eat it;  Which list are you on?  Read full details

Benefits of bitter gourd: Bitter gourd, which is bitter in taste, is quite ‘sweet’ in terms of properties. Many such nutrients are found in it which are no less than any medicine. This is the reason why the properties of bitter gourd are also mentioned in Ayurveda. Bitter gourd is beneficial in controlling blood sugar and improving digestion. If you are troubled by increasing weight, then bitter gourd can help you in reducing your weight.

However, in some health conditions, it is advisable to eat bitter gourd only after medical advice. According to Healthline, let us know the benefits of eating bitter gourd.

5 benefits of eating bitter gourd daily

Controls Diabetes: Bitter gourd helps control blood sugar levels. A compound called carotene present in it increases the production of insulin and slows down the absorption of glucose in the blood.

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Helpful in reducing weight: Bitter gourd is a low-calorie food and has high fiber content. It makes you feel full for a longer period and helps control cravings.

Strengthens the digestion system: The fiber present in bitter gourd helps in running the digestive system smoothly. It relieves digestive problems like constipation, indigestion and diarrhea.

Increases immunity: Bitter gourd is a good source of Vitamin C and A. These vitamins help in increasing immunity and protect the body from infections.

Beneficial for skin and hair: The antioxidants present in bitter gourd help in keeping skin and hair healthy. It reduces skin wrinkles and fine lines and makes hair healthy and shiny.

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3 people should avoid eating bitter gourd

  • Pregnant and lactating women should consult a doctor before eating bitter gourd.
  • If you have stomach ache or diarrhea then avoid eating bitter gourd.
  • Do not consume bitter gourd in excessive quantities, as it may cause stomach ache and diarrhea.

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