Diabetes Diet: Diabetes patients should not eat these vegetables even by mistake, know what experts say


Eating these vegetables increases blood sugar level.

Eating these vegetables increases blood sugar level.

Diabetes Diet: Although vegetables are called the treasure of health, some vegetables show their effect in different ways in our body. But, there are some vegetables which, when consumed, increase the sugar level rapidly. Therefore, diabetes patients are increasing rapidly all over the world. In such a situation, a diabetic patient should avoid consuming some vegetables.

Remove these vegetables from your diet today

Health experts say that a diabetes patient should not consume certain vegetables (harmful vegetables in sugar). Especially one should not consume such vegetables which grow under the soil. These include potatoes, corn, sweet corn, sweet potatoes, sweet potatoes and butter squash vegetables. Because the glycemic index is found to be very high in them and the amount of carbs is also high, which is harmful for diabetes patients.

Vegetables growing above ground are beneficial for health

Health experts say that diabetes patients should avoid eating vegetables growing underground, because these vegetables increase the blood sugar level. Therefore, a diabetes patient should try to consume vegetables growing above the ground and should include green vegetables in his diet. These contain less carbs, which keeps the blood sugar level under control. Consuming green vegetables like spinach, cabbage, green beans and broccoli is very beneficial for health. Apart from this, eating vegetables like tomato, beans, brinjal, mushroom, onion and cucumber keeps blood sugar level under control.

Note – This news is based on general information, diabetic patients can consult a specialist before eating any vegetable.

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