Diabetes affects these body parts, do not ignore them even by mistake


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Diabetes: These days the disease of diabetes is spreading rapidly. There can be many factors for its spread. According to the Lancet study, a total of 1.31 billion people may be affected by diabetes by 2050. At the same time, an ICMR study found that more than 100 million Indians are currently suffering from diabetes. Experts say that this is because people are constantly following an unhealthy lifestyle and lack of awareness. Let us know what kind of effect is there on the body parts due to having diabetes.

1- eyes

Experts say that diabetes can have a profound effect on the eyes. This can be called Diabetic Retinopathy. This causes damage to the blood vessels in the retina. Due to which the vision gets spoiled and the person starts seeing blurred. Many times it has been seen that people lose their eyesight due to diabetes.

2- Feet and Legs

Due to diabetes, there is tingling in the feet and legs, they become deaf. There is also pain at times. In addition, the reduced blood flow increases the risk of diabetic foot ulcers and infections. Experts say that if the treatment is not done on time, then potentially there is a need to cut the leg.

3- Kidney

Health experts point out that diabetes is a major cause of kidney disease. Because of this, the kidneys gradually stop working. When the problem in the kidney increases more, then there is a problem of swelling in the ankles and frequent urination.

4- Heart and cardiovascular health

Due to diabetes, the risk of many types of cardiovascular problems including heart disease and stroke can increase to a great extent. Individuals with diabetes may experience symptoms such as chest pain, shortness of breath and palpitations.

5- Mouth rot and gum infection

Diabetes also affects your oral health. This can increase the risk of mouth rot and gum infection. This can cause many problems like bleeding gums, persistent bad breath.

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