Blood Pressure Diet: Why the risk of high blood pressure increases in winter, know ways to control it


What to eat to control blood pressure in winter

What to eat to control blood pressure in winter

Blood Pressure Diet: Today, it is common to have the problem of high blood pressure like sugar. The biggest reason for this is the bad lifestyle of the people. Due to these diseases, not only the elderly but also the youth are troubled by the problem of high BP. One has to be careful about health in winter. According to health experts, there is a greater possibility of hypertension i.e. increase in blood pressure in winter.

In winter, blood pressure becomes high due to increased pressure on the heart and arteries. Apart from this, especially in winter, there is change in eating habits and physical activity also decreases. But you can use these superfoods to control the problem of high blood pressure. Let us know how high BP can be controlled.


Garlic is generally used in cooking in the kitchen. It is used in many home remedies. People facing the problem of high blood pressure should eat one clove of garlic daily in the morning. With this, high BP can be cured to a great extent.


In winter, many nutrients like magnesium, potassium and monounsaturated fat are found in pistachios. It helps in reducing high BP. Therefore, if you are also troubled by the problem of high blood pressure, then definitely consume pistachios.


It is beneficial to use Ashwagandha to get rid of the problem of high BP in winter. People who have the problem of weight gain or high blood pressure should definitely include Ashwagandha in their diet. Therefore, take one spoon of powder with a glass of water every morning on an empty stomach.


Fenugreek seeds are used for cooking at home. Fenugreek is very beneficial for health. Eating fenugreek in winter provides warmth to the body because its nature is hot. Let us tell you that fenugreek seeds contain abundant amount of soluble fiber, which helps in reducing cholesterol. Apart from this, it also reduces dirty cholesterol in the body.

Also read:-Drinking Water: Drinking less water in winter is harmful for health, know how much water to drink in a day.

Disclaimer: This news is based on general information. Before implementing these methods and suggestions, definitely consult the concerned expert.


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