Vehicle number plates come in 7 colors in India, know their meaning


Vehicle number plates come in 7 colors in India, know their meaning

Meaning of different types of number plates.

Meaning of different types of number plates.

Do you know what is the meaning of different colored number plates in vehicles? As you will also know that any vehicle is identified by the number plate. If we want to see the record of any vehicle, then we can find out from the number plate of that vehicle. Let us tell you that to extract information from the number plate of the vehicle, you will have to take the help of the police. But for what use that vehicle is being taken, you can know about it only by looking at the number plate. Let us tell you that a total of 7 types of number plates are installed in vehicles running in India, in which the meaning of number plates in different colors is also different. Let us tell you the meaning of all types of number plates.

1. White Plate-Black Text: The first place in this list is such vehicles, whose number plate is of white colour. The numbers are written on it in black. The vehicle with the number plate of this color is the identity of the private vehicle. That means it is someone’s personal vehicle.

2. Blue Plate-White Text: On the second place in this list are such vehicles, whose number plate is of blue colour. The numbers are written on it in bright colour. The vehicle with the number plate of this color belongs to the embassy. That is, the vehicle with the number plate of this color belongs to those people who are foreigners, but have come to India.

3. Green Plate-White Text: In the third place in this list are such vehicles, whose number plate is of green colour. The numbers are written on it in bright colour. The vehicle with the number plate of this color is the identity of the electric vehicle. That is, the vehicle with the number plate of this color runs on electricity.

4. Yellow Plate-Black Text: At the fourth place in this list are such vehicles, whose number plates are of yellow colour. The numbers are written on it in black. Vehicles with number plates of this color are meant for public use. That is, we can use the vehicle with the number plate of this color as a fare.

5. Black Plate-Yellow Text: At the fifth place in this list are vehicles whose number plates are black. The numbers are written on it in yellow colour. We can take a vehicle with this color number plate on rent. That is, we can use a vehicle with this color number plate on rent for several days or months.

6. Number With Arrow Symbol: At the sixth place in this list are such vehicles, whose number plate is black. Numbers are written on it in yellow colour, along with an arrow is made upwards. This type of number plate vehicle is for the army. That is, in the van of the army, the symbol of Arrow is made along with the number plate.

7. Red Color Number Plate: At the seventh place in this list are such vehicles, whose number plates are of red colour. There is a sign of Emblem of India in place of the vehicle number. The vehicle with this type of number plate belongs to the President of the country and the governor of all the states.

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