Exam Vastu Tips Hindi: If the mind does not feel in the exam, then the students should adopt these 10 surefire measures


Exam Vastu Tips Hindi: As soon as the exam season starts, a wave of stress runs in the children. Due to this, children work hard day and night to get good marks. But even after hard work, you do not get good marks and if you take stress from someone else, then there is tension. Feel suffocated inside. Children are under a lot of stress during exam days. Even after working so hard, if the children do not get the desired results, then they get disappointed. Let us tell you that many times the reason for not getting good results even after hard work can be the position of the planets in astrology. Here we are telling you about some exam Vastu tips, which you can adopt. Do try it once…

1. Students feed fodder to a cow on every Thursday for the remedy of success in the examination.

2. Students should put a photo of Maa Saraswati in the east direction in their study room to get the desired success in the examination.

3. Chanting Saraswati Beej Mantra increases concentration and engages the mind in reading.

4. Students should recite Ganesh Chalisa. To keep the mind calm, put a green curtain in your study room.

5. To please Lord Ganesha, offer durva to him on Wednesdays and also offer besan laddus.

6. Whenever leaving the house for the examination, do not forget to touch the feet of parents, grandparents or any elder member of the house and take their blessings.

7. Students should always respect their teachers and have a sense of co-operation towards their classmates.

Whenever you leave home for 8. exams, eat curd mixed with some sugar. If you don’t have curd, eat any sweet. Doing this increases the chances of success in the exam.

9. Students should also worship Sun God for good marks in the examination. Take water in a vessel, put some rice, red sandalwood and flowers in it and offer water to Sun God every morning after taking bath etc. By doing this the intellect becomes sharp.

10. To avoid the habit of forgetting in the examination, students should keep alum and camphor with them.

Disclaimer: The information in this story is based on general assumptions. News2News.in.com does not verify these. Before implementing these facts, contact the concerned expert.


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