CM Flying Raid: Bookstore raided, room sealed after samples found in 45 bags


CM Flying Raid: Bookstore raided, room sealed after samples found in 45 bags

The CM Flying and Education Department team present during the raid.

The team from the CM Ministry of Flight and Education was present during the raid. News Jhajjar: Prime Minister’s Flight Squad and Ministry of Education team raided a bookstore at Chhara Chungi in the city. Many NCERT books were packed in 45 bags, so the Department of Education team sealed the room. The raid was carried out on the basis of classified information.

Following the raid, conducted by the Chief Minister’s Flight Squadron and the Education Department, the NCERT team are shown the Education Department’s books. The NCERT team will see if the books syllabus and logo are right or wrong. Meanwhile, team members shared that they had received information that something was wrong with the NCERT books being raided. The NCERT team will review the books. Then the next action is carried out. Rajaram, Dr. Sunil Kumar, Rajesh Malik, Mukesh Kumar, Anil Kumar and other teams were included in the raid team as node officers.

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