Standing and drinking water, water goes to the feet, know how much lie and how much truth in such famous things


Standing and drinking water, water goes to the feet, know how much lie and how much truth in such famous things

Famous myths related to health

Famous myths related to health

Popular Myths About Health:In today’s fast paced life, keeping fit has become a big task. A person is considered healthy only when he is physically, mentally, emotionally and socially fit. In the past years, the outbreak of the Corona epidemic has taught us to keep our health above all in the run-of-the-mill life. However, many people are sitting on more myths than health awareness. Today we are living believing such myths related to health as truth. Till date, a large population is following these myths, let us introduce you to their truth today.

Myth: Drinking water while standing harms the body

Drinking water is very beneficial for our body. However, you often hear people saying that one should not drink water while standing. Today we will tell you the truth of this myth. Explain that when you drink water while standing, it passes through your food pipe with speed and falls in the lowest part of your stomach. This can be injurious to health, as the water falls down at high speed. Due to this, it also damages the stomach and surrounding organs. It can also affect your digestive system.

Please tell that by drinking water while standing, you can also complain of arthritis. When you drink water while standing, your thirst is not quenched. At the same time, doctors also say that whenever you drink water while standing, you should sip it. You should avoid drinking a lot of water at once. However, according to Ayurveda rules, it is said to be appropriate to drink milk while standing. This works to balance Vata and Pitta doshas.

Do not go to bed immediately after eating

Walking after eating food keeps the weight under control. Walking after eating food keeps metabolism under control. Metabolism should always be under control, so it is important that you walk after eating food. In this way the food gets digested immediately, for this we do not have to work hard separately. Explain that walking after eating food releases endorphin hormones in the body, which reduces stress and improves blood circulation. Diabetic patients must move around after eating, this keeps the blood sugar level under control.

Eating carrots improves eyesight

Carrot is beneficial for health, it contains Vitamin-A. This is the reason that eating it increases eyesight. Also, there is a myth that going to the toilet every day is a sign of a clean stomach. However, if a person is defecating even for 3 days in a week, then his stomach is fine.

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