Late night eating habits: Eating late night is harmful for health, know what to do and what not to do


Late night eating habits: Eating late night is harmful for health, know what to do and what not to do

It is necessary to avoid eating late at night.

It is necessary to avoid eating late at night.

Late Night Eating Habits:We have often heard that we should eat dinner early. But, how many of us are those who eat dinner early? There are many people whose time to come from office is only after 10 pm. Then they eat food. But, almost people do not know the disadvantages of eating food late at night. Nowadays the problem of sugar and obesity is seen more. You will find this problem even in young people. Do you know that the habit of eating late at night increases the problem of sugar and obesity.

What is the problem of eating late at night

trouble digesting food

According to experts, there should be a gap of about 2 to 3 hours between dinner and sleep. Due to this, the digestion of food becomes easy. But generally people do not do this. Because of this they have to face problems like sugar and obesity. Sugar and obesity increase the risk of heart related diseases.

problems with glucose and metabolism

Due to eating late at night, the problem of glucose and metabolism arises in the human body. Because of this, the body suffers from sugar, obesity and other serious diseases.

Problem in normal fasting state

Due to eating late at night, it takes a long time for the food to reach the normal fasting state of the body. Because of this, there is also a problem in digesting food. Normal fasting refers to fasting from one meal to another, which is usually 8 to 10 hours.

problem of sugar and obesity

Due to eating late at night, a person first becomes a victim of sugar and obesity, because experts say that sugar is affected first by doing so. Because of this, the risk of diabetes and obesity increases.

what to eat when you are hungry late at night

In today’s time, most people work at night, due to which people often feel hungry at night, due to which people eat packed and fried food, which is not beneficial for health. If you do this too, then it should be avoided. If you also have a habit of eating at night, then you can eat homemade food, in which the amount of oil and spices is less. If you drink tea or coffee at night, you can eat roasted nuts, walnuts and seeds with it.

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