Calcium deficiency causes these problems from blood pressure to muscle stiffness, know how to prevent


Calcium deficiency causes these problems from blood pressure to muscle stiffness, know how to prevent

Calcium is absolutely essential for human health. It plays an important role in maintaining the health of our bones and teeth. Because calcium does not allow blood clots to form in the body. If there is calcium deficiency in the body, then there can be many diseases like osteoporosis, blood pressure, muscle pain, stiffness in joints and heart disease. Milk and products made from it are the biggest sources of calcium, but if you cannot consume milk for any reason or you have any kind of allergy to milk, then there are many other things that can make up for calcium deficiency. .

calcium deficiency diseases

Calcium deficiency can cause many problems such as high blood pressure, stiffness in muscles and joints, toothache, dry skin, brittle and brittle nails, chest pain, and numbness in fingers and toes. Apart from this, the lack of calcium in the body increases the chances of problems like heart disease. Due to the lack of calcium, the risk of heart attack and stroke in the human body increases a lot. To meet the deficiency of calcium in the body, increase the amount of milk, curd, cheese and green vegetables in the diet.

Why calcium is necessary for the body

Calcium is a mineral often associated with healthy bones and teeth. According to data from the National Institutes of Health Office of Dietary Supplements, adults are recommended to consume at least one thousand milligrams of calcium each day. The recommended daily amount can vary slightly depending on age and gender. The biggest sources of calcium are milk and other milk products. However, some people are allergic to milk, so many people do not like it. In such a situation, we will tell you which food products you can use to remove calcium deficiency.

Dry Fruits

If you do not want to consume milk and other milk products, sources of calcium, then you can include nuts in your diet. They are one of the best sources of calcium. Almonds are rich in calcium. Some medical journals believe that one cup of almonds contains about 385 milligrams of calcium. It is absolutely packed with fiber and healthy fats. Almonds are a good source of magnesium, manganese and vitamin E.

green leafy vegetables

One of the best sources of calcium are dark, leafy greens such as spinach and collard greens. One cup of spinach provides you with about 30 milligrams of calcium. And one cup of collard greens provides more than 260 milligrams, which is about 30 percent of the recommended daily intake. To make up for your calcium deficiency, add some spinach leaves to your salad or add a handful to your smoothie. You can prepare just about anything with spirulina and apple juice for fewer calories. They are also rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Beta-Carotene, Folate, Vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5 and B6.

Beans and Lentils

Beans and pulses are very nutritious for the body. They are rich in calcium, protein, fiber, magnesium, folate, potassium and zinc. The nutrients available improve digestion as well as boost our energy level.

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